Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Branded items and gifts are custom items and are not eligible for return unless defective. The items on the storefront have been carefully chosen for quality and brand compliance. Please contact or call 561-299-9911 for questions regarding products in advance of ordering to ensure your satisfaction.

If you believe the delivered product is defective or produced incorrectly to your specifications, please send images of the product with order number to with a description of the defect or production error. An SEP sales representative will respond with next steps for resolution. Once the defect is confirmed, SEP will resolve by reproducing the exact product with no decorating changes and reship the product at no expense to the customer. Time frame will vary based on production time needed but should not exceed 10 business days for domestic products.

The entire quantity of the item must be returned to the SEP by the customer in its original quantity as per invoice of actual order for full replacement to be processed. SEP will issue a UPS label for returning the item(s) and you will have 10 days to return the defective items. The manufacturer will then reproduce the exact quantity and specifications and ship to the customer directly.

If customer decides they do not want the product to be reproduced, SEP will issue a credit against the purchase order or credit card less the return shipping costs. The customer has 10 days to decide on next steps or the order becomes unreturnable, per standard manufacturers polices.